I used to kill many an hour at work with Craigslist, until, as you may recall, the Company Computer Nazis took it away from me. This is probably for the best, as it's purely mindless entertainment--the internet equivalent of reality television. I hadn't read the Missed Connections much at all lately, since it's just not as exciting when you have better things to do (i.e., just about anything.) Last night, however, I found myself starting to watch the two most upsetting and unnecessary reality shows yet--The Ashlee Simpson Show and Who Wants to Marry My Dad Season 2--and Craigslist seemed like a bastion of intellectual stimulation. And, lo and behold, what should I find?
Mercury Lounge on Saturday - Tall Blonde - m4w
Date: 2004-06-21, 12:38PM EDT
We were there most of the night. Dirty on Purpose. Benzos. The Bravery.
You're tall, short blonde hair, had on a white t-shirt.
I'm 6'2", had on a short-sleeve blue shirt and jeans, reall short dark hair.
The girl I was with wasn't my girlfriend. But I don't usually pick up
on women at clubs.
Wished I went up and talked to you.
I can't say I'm overly impressed with the fact that he didn't bother to talk to me in a BAR while I was very obviously drinking lots of BEER, but details schmetails--I got a Missed Connection!
Did you write him back?
Sweet, I have a comment board doppleganger?
But of course I did. Then I learned his first name and promptly uncovered that I read his blog sometimes. Someone needs to hire me as a private investigator.
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