Tuesday, July 13, 2004

jesus <3 marshfield

During my senior year of high school, there was a big time controversy going on in lil' old Marshfield. There had always been a big statue of Jesus in this public park on the highway on one end of town, but one day a man reported this breach of the Constitution to the Freedom from Religion Foundation and all hell broke loose, so to speak. The man's name was Clarence Reindeers. Clarence Reindeers' argument--that seeing the religious imagery made him physically ill--didn't hold much water, sadly, as he lived across the street from Saint Joseph Hospital and cemetery. So the city did what any law abiding entity would do and sold the patch of land on which Jesus stands to a private party, put state and national flags next to it, and painted it bright colors.

Meanwhile, on the other end of town, another Jesus watches over something very special.

Here are some other pics from my impromptu vacay that having nothing to do with Jesus:

At least Daisy the Dog thinks Mom's hemp clothing is hot

In Madison we sat by the lake and watched kids race canoes. All three canoes sunk and it was really funny.

My baby, Babe

Daisy, who was six months old when we got her because nobody wanted to take the puppy with the underbite.

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