Tuesday, May 25, 2004

promise of a new day

Here's another gem from the Local Paper. Usually the weekly "Hi, My Name Is" column supplies me with a nice healthy dose of schadenfreude and humorous inanity, but this one just makes me sad. If the Metro Channel ever does a "To Live and Date in Dairyland" series, they should call this girl.

Hi, my name is

Promise Bakken
Age: 18
Home: Pittsville
Occupation: student at Pittsville High School

What was your most memorable dream?
My most memorable dream would have been when I thought I lived in Ohio, and I lived in this huge house and I had three children, and we were happy. It was a really happy dream.

What's your favorite word?
I have a favorite phrase. 'Life sucks and then you die.'

If you had one superpower, what would it be?
To make any man in the world I wanted love me.

What are you most passionate about?
I'm not really a passionate person. But if I had to pick something: Divorce. I personally believe people never should marry in their entire lives, even if they live together, because of divorce.

Who is your hero?
My hero would be my brother, Randy, because he taught me so many things about life.

Randy, what have you done??

1 comment:

Andrew DF said...

I have this nagging doubt that for Promise, Ohio is a bit out of reach. Pittsville is going to keep a pretty short leash on that one.