Tuesday, May 04, 2004
the beginning of the end?
The Company Computer Nazis have really crossed the line this time. I'm okay with not being able to use AIM. Surely if I had access to this fine program I would have been fired long ago, and rightly so. And I can kind of understand being blocked from web-based email. Actually, no, that one really doesn't make sense, and I'll be damned if I'm going to alter my emailing habits in the off-chance my work account will be screened. In any case, I can live without my hotmail during the day. But what just happened to me is so unsettling I can barely type the words. I have been blocked....from....a...............bl...blo........BLOG!
Seeking my daily dose of Olsen twin buzz, I just typed www.whatevs.org into my browser. A white screen appeared that said the following:
The site you have requested (http://www.whatevs.org/) is unavailable as a non-business related site.
Forbidden, this page (http://www.whatevs.org/) is categorized as: Chat.
I fear for the future. The day the word "chat" is replaced with "blog" is the day I say sayonara to my dreams of a lifetime of corporate servitude. Hmmm, come to think of it, perhaps this blog blockage is not such a bad omen after all.