Monday, May 17, 2004

ignorance is not always bliss

I have no other words for this article: Childless Couple Told to Try Sex [via Ultragrrrl]


Andrew DF said...

Being the resident onomastics expert in my life, I was hoping you could provide a little op-ed commentary on the label given over the weekend to Ms. Paltrow's bundle of joy...

Gina said...

I'm quite ashamed to say that I had to consult on "onomastics." I thought it was something dirty. I'd say something about little Apple, but really, it kind of speaks for itself.

Andrew DF said...

Yeah, I think if I had any concept of grammar or math, I could've taken you on the SAT. Valedic-what?

Gloria said...

Such an obvious answer, having sex to get pregnant. That's really funny.