Wednesday, August 04, 2004

alright, already

Lately, sitting in front of the television eating dinner from Burritoville, Subway, or the freezer has replaced going to the gym as my post-work activity of choice. Since there isn't much on TV at 6:00, I've been watching a lot of Conan reruns on Comedy Central. With Dave getting old and tired and Jay's chin more annoying than ever, I've long considered Conan to be the late nite champ. Until I realized, that is, that literally every other joke involves derision of either his appearance or the show.

As you may have noticed, I have a rather self-deprecating sense of humor (see first sentence,) but there is a fine and definite line between funny and fucking annoying. Yes, Conan, we know that you are unusually tall and have (gasp!) red hair and pale skin. And yes, you were once the third wheel on the late nite circuit. But you are not hideous, and, in fact, you are no doubt filthy stinking rich. As for your show, you know it's been extremely successful, and "every aspect of [it] has been praised in the media." Enough with the whining already.

(I must also add, since I know he'll do it if I don't, that Dockgoose's mother was Conan's high school Spanish teacher.)


Andrew DF said...

Actually, I would have pointed out that I once had security almost remove me from the studio audience when, attending by myself, I heckled Andy Dick's remarks that Columbia University had rudely received his comedy act with a "Because you SUUCKKKED!"

And don't knock the self-depricators. We're hard enough on ourselves as it is. Hearing Conan be naughty because "nobody is watching this anyway!" will never, ever get old for me.

Gina said...

well i'm a self-deprecator too. but seriously, i think he's getting a little outta control. every. other. joke. there should be a twice per show limit or something.

Gloria said...

I only used to watch Conan when I couldn't fall asleep at night. He scared me, the way he got so close to the camera. Nightmares. That, and I didn't think he was funny.

But I saw him live in the spring, and he's much much better in person. Maybe it was just a good show, I don't know - but he's funnier live.

That, and he can't stick his face in yours to scare you.

Andrew DF said...

Saddam was always his best; Clinton, a verrry close second.

Gina said...

oh no, the best one EVER was michael jackson after he was strip searched for the first time. they replaced the word "penis" with "crunker." well, at least in 7th grade it was the funniest thing i'd ever seen.