Given that my ol' team's slogan was "Boozin' & Whorin'," a phrase coined by the coach, I expected that our reunion weekend in Washington, DC would be full of good times. Indeed, upon my arrival at Maj's apartment at 1:00 Saturday afternoon, I was greeted with a glass of gin and juice and was told that everyone had "had a couple shots already."
The drinking continued at the train station where we waited for our Duck Tour of the city to begin.

It was windy in the back of that Duck.

Very very windy.

We did our part to annoy the real tourists with incessant use of our complimentary duck calls. They seemed amused. Maybe.

Maj and I always enjoy showing off our abs of steel, and this time they were enhanced by greek food and beer.

I just like this one.

And this one I think speaks for itself.

Next year, we rock the coast of Croatia. At least that's the plan.
hey! nice pics! looks like you guys had fun... in response to your comment on my site, I never ever want to leave columbia. well, maybe one day, but not one day soon!! -Chris
hey gina and maj, u have some amazing bellies
wowwwwwwww, i just love ur belly pics, maj and gina do more belly pics
i just love the way u put ur bellies next to each other
i would love to see ur bellies and photo them
can i kiss ur bellies
hey maj i love ur BIG BELLY
gina i just wanna marry ur belly
hey nice sexy belly gina
but i thought maj's belly was the most fattest.
plz pretty plz do more belly pics
i wouldd love to kiss them and hug 'em and squeeze can i marry u both so that u can put ur bellies on my face
oh my goddd maj belly is so big!!! is she pregnant?? and hey gina ur belly is kind of cute! i hav a bigger belly button then uu
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