Saturday, March 26, 2005


For some reason (laziness) I'm all about the children's books lately. Tonight I left work drunky drunk (it is very hard for me to type this right now) thanks to a special trip to "empty the dirty dish bin," my shift drink, and after hours, and came home to a party of 30-something pot heads courtesy of the dude who lives in the attic. They all passed out on the couch, but before doing so one asked me to read him a bedtime story. I immediately thought of the Velveteen Rabbit, which was one of my favorite books as a kid, until my beloved rat terrier, Bridget, chewed the hell out of it. I proceeded to read it out loud like a kindergarten teacher and now I have to go to sleep and contemplate life 'n stuff. What a beautiful story. My favorite books are officially ~1000 page Russian novels and 20 page children's stories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jyna! i feel like i'm missing out. meanwhile i'm in troy to celebrate jesus for the weekend, will be back saturday, have no phone but sent email. love me.