Monday, August 22, 2005

"i've written about five or six books recently, since i had my intestines out"

This little Village Voice interview with 91-year-old cognitive behavioral therapist Albert Ellis pretty much sums up my philosophy on life and why I wanted--emphasis on the "-ed"--to go into the field of psychology. My favorite parts:
*If Freud is horseshit, why are so many people still spending hours on the couch, talking about their dreams? Because people are crazy and stupid! And especially psychologists and therapists are stupid! That's the main reason.

*Do you think depression is indulgent? Yes, it's "I run the fucking universe and it should do my bidding." That's arrogant and indulgent.

*What are you working on now? I've written about five or six books recently, since I had my intestines out. And this one [points to a pad of paper] is on how to conquer envy and jealousy. I'm also working on the second volume of my autobiography. It's about my sex and love life and all the famous people I met and how idiotic most of them were.

A-fucking-men. Seriously, if everyone ascribed to this "get the fuck over yourself" philosophy (Ellis mentions a desire to have his version of therapy taught "to every school child from nursery school onward so they can all stop upsetting themselves") the world would be such a better place. I obviously have had my moments of blindness in this regard *coughdepressioncough* but am getting much better. Now instead of "I'm so depressed I'll never amount to anything and no one will ever love me wah wah wah" it's "I'm so depressed I'll never amount to anything and no one will ever love me...wait, if I just keep on truckin' things will probably be ok. Neat." An Ellis book is so going on my imaginary reading list. And anyone know where I can get myself a copy of the song "Whine, Whine, Whine?" Something tells me it's not available on iTunes.

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