Wednesday, July 20, 2005

good thing my credit card is always maxed out

Unlike a certain little sister of mine, I rather enjoy flying. It usually means I'm going/have just gone somewhere fun, sometimes there's free food and even alcohol, and I still think clouds are really quite fascinating. One of my favorite things to do on an airplane, aside from finding new ways to hide the fact that I'm still listening to my portable electronic device during takeoff and landing and thus causing the plane to crash (oh wait, that never happens...except on the Simpsons,) is playing the SkyMall Game. My scaredypants sister and I invented a variation of this game when we were little kids and looking for potential Christmas presents in the ginormous J.C.Penney catalog. Basically, you flip to any page of a catalog, preferably a crappy one, quickly decide what you would buy if you HAD to buy something, thereby voiding that thing for the other person, and then make fun of them for their lesser, more embarrassing choice (we got a huge kick out of the undergarments pages.) Nowadays, I usually fly by myself which makes for a less action-packed SkyMall Game, but the ridiculousness of the merchandise is usually enough to entertain me until I get motion sickness and the shitty Merlot/Nyquil/Vicodin/what-have-you kicks in. So, um, there's really no point to this story whatsoever, other than that The Morning News, which I had tragically forgotten existed until yesterday, has their own, and dare I say better, SkyMall Game, and you can play it in the comfort of your own overly air-conditioned office. My favorite part, of course, is item number 3, and my roommates in Ithaca actually owned item number 14.


P/O said...

my favorite part of those sky mall catalogs has always been seeing how many variations of alarmist home fire-escape products i can find. my personal favorite has to be those smoke mask things that look like big plastic bags you put over your head. if i were a model, i'd wanna model those!

Gina said...

I'm also a huge fan of the personal air purifiers you hang around your neck. Such a load of crap, though I would be tempted to try one in the subway sometime...