Friday, April 15, 2005

i'm not pregnant!

A bajillion thank you's to Cityrag for posting this. Courtesy of the Britster, it now seems that every time a female celebrity is caught on camera not sucking in her stomach, pregnancy rumors abound. Dudes (yes, I'm sure it's mostly dudes responsible for this,) sometimes a girl's stomach sticks out, for example: when she's just eaten a delicious sandwich, when she's had a few beers, the week before she's on the rag and bloated as all hell, if she has a lower spinal curvature that causes her stomach and butt to protrude pretty much all the damn time (ahem,) or if she's having a contest with a friend using their abdominal muscles to see who can make theirs the biggest (double ahem.) Even 99% fat free Cammy D has been caught in pictures with a "bump." Make it stop! Argh. Ah well, perhaps next time I'm in the city I can stick out my tummy and get a seat on a crowded subway.

Me (right) and equally unpregnant friend Maj last summer:
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Anonymous said...

Hi there, just found your site through The Midwestgrrl. I'm enjoying reading all your posts, very funny and making the rest of the work day go by much quicker.

Thanks for the good read!

Fat Asian Baby said...

Wow, she really puts you to shame.

Gina said...

I know, that night was not my best performance. Maj will still beat me every time, but I can get to AT LEAST six months under certain conditions.

Anonymous said...

Is this a game that you *want* to win? I'm not so sure...

Anonymous said...

cool bellies, both of u
i would love to smell them and kiss them
i just love beer bellies and belly buttons

Anonymous said...

woah, how did maj get a big belly

i love ur belly the most, gina

take more pics of ur bellies because they're hot