Saturday, January 14, 2006

better than temping

It is very difficult for me to say what I'm about to say. Ahem, here goes. Weird. I know it's a little premature to make such a grand, fantastical statement, and I know certain things about food service tend to get real annoying real quick, but the simple truth is that I will take juicing lemons and oranges in the basement with the prep cooks while listening to reggaeton over entering pointless numbers into pointless spreadsheets while wearing biz cazh any day. There are just so many good things that were absent in all of my previous employment situations. The employees, like, talk to each other and joke around and have fun. I am surrounded by wine and cheese. The floor to ceiling windows comprising two walls of the restaurant make for prime hipster-watching when things are slow. When things are not slow, time goes by really fast. I get to wear JEANS. Oftentimes, actual thinking is required. The majority of my friends and my friends' friends live within a five block radius. My coworkers and bosses are friendly, interesting people. Free espresso.

That last perk is actually coming in quite handy. The only downside to all of this madness is that I seem to have forgotten how to sleep again. I'm sure once I get settled my neurons will go back to normal human functioning, but for now, I'm just a delirious, sleep-deprived freakazoid. But at least I'm a happy freakazoid. Tonight's "anything but sleep activities" included finally jumping on the flickr bandwagon. I decided to start with my favorite Chile/Argentina pictures, since I was there not practicing my really bad Spanish with the sis exactly one year ago. If you have flickr, please add me as your friend (is that what people do?) because I don't really know how it works and am too lazy to figure it out, even though it's probably the most user friendly website I've ever seen. Thanks.


midwestgrrl said...

I added you. It's you and Mrs. Kennedy, so you're in exalted blogcompany. I heart Flickr!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gina - This is Raegan's old Seattle roommate Sara here. She turned me on to your blog ages ago and I love it. Keep up the good work! I heart flickr too. Use it all the time. It's awesome. And I met the guy I'm currently dating while using it, which means it's a great way to pick up guys (or something like that). Anyway, I tried to take a look at your pictures, but couldn't find you, so I have posted a link to my pictures instead. If you want to look at pointless pictures of Seattle, I'm your girl. And say hi to Raegan and Mike for me! ~ Sara (

Anonymous said...

And by the way, I wrote that thing about not finding your flickr photos, before I saw the big huge link on your page. I might just be a little bit stupid this morning!

Ruth said...

I think it was exactly a year later (to the day, even) that I made this same realization. About temping, that is -- I still can't do Flickr.