Tuesday, November 02, 2004

bah humbug?

Since I failed to get into the Halloween spirit this year, save for the many many fun-sized candy bars I consumed in my cubicle yesterday, I feel the need to give credit to my friends and my friends' friends and some people I don't know who dressed in awesome, creative, and frightening ways. Because I do actually like Halloween, I'm just lazy.

First, here is E's friend B as Tippi Hedren's character in Hitchcock's The Birds. Impressively thorough and simply genius.

In the spirit of the standard Sexy Cat, Sexy Nurse, and Sexy Hooker costumes, here is Haenschen dressed as the ubiquitous Sexy Cheese Grater.

Next, via Cityrag, a costume that falls into the "why didn't I think of that" cagegory.

And, last but not least, here's FAB classing it up as a right, upwardly pointing breast.

Nice work, big kids.


Fat Asian Baby said...

More than upwardly pointing, I wish they were upwardly mobile. And how in God's name did she make/came up wtih the cheese grater? Outstanding!

Gina said...

ooooh, that would've made for some interesting dance moves...