Tuesday, March 21, 2006

tomorrow, i'm putting up shelves and then going to work

Like my ability to remain employed, my desire to blog comes and goes in waves. Sometimes I feel it slipping away but then it comes back so fast I get a mouthful of nasty saltwater (what, I grew up around lakes,) and sometimes it pulls away from me entirely, to return, inevitably, at some unforseeable time. Well the tide is very, very low, my friends, and the desire to write about myself or any of the other 1.5 things I ever write about appears to be nonexistant. Now that I've said this, you can pretty much expect a 2,000 word post tomorrow. Although now that I've said that, it's probably more like a three sentence blurb in two weeks about how I still don't feel like writing anything.


Gina said...

that'll be $5 for the copyright authorization or whatever it's called

Andrew DF said...

Lake water people. Shudder.