Goodbye, Awesome Brick Wall.
Goodbye, Pile of Rocks at the End of Grand Street, Where Hipsters, Ricans, and Hassids Go to Drink From Brown Bags At Night.
Goodbye, Neverending Stream of Film Crews.
Goodbye, Neato View from Kent Avenue.
Goodbye, Marlow and Sons, Haven For SUV-Driving Hipsters and Home of Strong-Ass Coffee I Drank Nearly Every Day for a Year and a Half.
Goodbye, Gretsch Building, Home to Many an SUV-Driving Hipster.
Goodbye, Schaefer Landing and Water Taxi Terminal.
Goodbye, Site of Future View-Blocking 20-Story Condo.
Goodbye, Basement.
Hello, 2008, new apartment with modern amenities and WINDOWS, new roommates, Mia the pit bull, position of actual responsibility at work, Clinton Hill/Fort Greene, and, hopefully, a much more boring year than 2007.